Grow Above

A swirl of roots, branches and leaves from above ... made using SpeedTree, Maya and After Effects.

Stormy Mountain

An ominous scene that I created in Vue and composited in AE.

Flower Geometry

I created one flower using cloners in C4D, and then composited in After Effects.


This one brought me back, to my early days of perspective drawing and drafting. The "M" was created entirely in Adobe Line, on my iPad. I saved-out multiple pieces of the image, and then assembled it all in PS. I appreciate that it somewhat looks like I colored it with a felt tip pen, on real paper.

Keepin it Real

I took a pre-modeled and rigged, 3D model, and posed it .... then, I gave it some pop in AE.

Jumbled J

This is actually 3D geometry, fractured in Houdini, and then comped in Photoshop.


I modeled and rendered the geometry in Maya, with some help from HDR Light Studio. The final comp was assembled in Photoshop.

Define tHemself

Geometry, lighting and atmosphere in Maya, with final compositing in Photoshop.

The Original G

The "O" and "G" were modeled in Maya, rendered using Maxwell, and composited in After Effects ...

What the F

Letter "F" ... more After Effects ... you know how we do ... !!

e-Z Does It

All "E" in After Effects ...

New Hope for D

Made using Maya, ZBrush, Vue, World Machine and Photoshop. The Daily Alphabet letter D ... representing destruction, before renewal.


Letter "C" for city-scapes ... in After Effects.

What's Under B

Underwater letter "B" ... created and composited entirely in After Effects.

Daily Letter A

My inception of the daily letter ... "A" Created and composited in After Effects.

Two Turntables

More webpage BG ideas.

Audio Patchwork

More webpage BG ideas.

Go Vinyl

I'm working on possible webpage backgrounds (for the "Classy But Hip Site" I posted about before). This is one of the ideas. It may include a splattering of <div>s that was randomly generated by Javascript, but also incorporates vector art.

Downward Dog Fork

Yoga classes at noon ?!! Let's do it ... downward dog fork. Maya and Photoshop.

New DevineFunk Website

Background art for one of the DevineFunk websites ... an adaption on her old logo. Mostly Photoshop.

Classy But Hip Site

Working on the concept for a new website. The background is generated randomly, using Javascript.


A vintage motel (an actual motel in Portland, OR), taken from a photograph and assembled in Photoshop.


#6 in stroke concepts.

Head Sparks

Part #5 of the stroke concepts.

Gear Head

Part #4 of the stroke concepts.

Brain Disintegrate

Part #3 of the stroke, visualized.

Brain Unravelled

Part #2 of the stroke, visualized.

Brain Cube

I was trying to represent a stroke, visually. If it isn't obvious to you, these are all different versions of a brain Rubik's Cube.

The Five Elements

A stab at the 5 elements ... air, water, fire, earth and space/ether. I know ... it doesn't look real, but I wasn't going for realness ... think of a dreamscape. I used SpeedTree, RealFlow, Z-Brush, Maya and AE.

Artificial Ocean

An open ocean shot, created in Maya and composited with a stormy backdrop in Photoshop.

SoulPlay Scattered

Created in Cinema 4D and Adobe Photoshop.


Created in Cinema 4D.

SoulPlay Island

2 different images, created in E-On Vue xStream.

Flying Paper

Created in Autodesk Maya.

SoulPlay Planet

Just playing around in Adobe After Effects.

Random Lines

Created in Processing, using connected, random points along two lines.

Vector Tile

This was made entirely in Illustrator, and was loosely based off of a photograph I saw of a tile.

Mother's Day

I made this in Illustrator. It was the jewel case cover for a CD that I made my Mom for Mother's Day.

Happy Birthday

A birthday card that I made in Adobe Illustrator.

interMod Flyer

Developed as a flyer/card for the promotion of interMod studios. Photoshop was used for the photographic elements, After Effects for the graphics, and Illustrator for the text and overall layout.

Ghost of Me

Created entirely in Adobe Photoshop.

Moulded Skull

I was experimenting with sculpting and painting in ZBrush.

Open Doors

The light at the end of the dark tunnel ... new doorways ... new opportunities. Modeled and rendered in Maya, and then altered in Photoshop.

"Those who live in the past limit their future."

interMod Concepts

A letterhead I designed for interMod Studios.

SoulPlay Ice

Brrrrr ... Created in Adobe After Effects.

Psyko Pendant

I was part of a contemporary dance version of Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho, titled Psyko. I threw this together in Photoshop, and, printed much smaller, it helped to make the pendants that were given as gifts to the other dancers.

Broccoli Tee

Pilates ... It's like your vegetables. Created in Photoshop.

Farmer's Moon

A composition of three different elements into one, using Photoshop.

MJ Construct

I designed this flyer for a set of dance workshops I wanted to do. I created it in Photoshop.

SoulPlay Plate

I created this as a texture, in Photoshop, and then projected it onto a simple plane, placed a couple lights in the scene and rendered it in Maya.

Potluck Flyer

A flyer for a going-away potluck that I made in Illustrator.

Valentine's Day

A card I made for Valentine's day. Those used to be my cats. I used Adobe Photoshop.

Biology Set

These were part of a job that I did for a presentation. It's all vector art, created in Adobe Illustrator.

SoulPlay Fire

Burn baby burn. Created in Photoshop.

Monster Masquerade Ball

An invite for a Halloween/Birthday party, made in Photoshop.

interMod Branding

Created as a possible logo and/or promotional material for InterMod, an aspiring Pilates and fitness studio. Adobe Illustrator and After Effects.


You might ask yourself, "Who's hand is that?" ... This was created in Photoshop, using masks and layer styles.

Smash Mouth

This image began as a photograph. I then took it into Photoshop for masking, coloring and shaping, and finally finished it using Illustator. Originally I was thinking about the impact that social media has had on everyone, though, looking at the piece now, it makes me think of a lot of things.

Rock and Rose

Part of Father's Day card that I made in Photoshop, for a music lover.


A vector drawing of a P-38 Lightning, done in Illustrator. It was printed at a larger scale and framed, for use as a gift. The name on the plane was historically accurate, and had significant sentimental meaning to the receiver.

1970 MGB

When I was younger, my parents had a 1970 MGB. The coolest thing about that MG, other than the fact that it was a covertible with a peppy 4-cylinder engine and rack and pinion steering, was that it was built when they still were putting on those amazing, chrome bumpers. I made this in both Illustrator and Photoshop, as part of a Father's Day card for my Dad.


Taken from a photograph of my Mom's father and his brother, when they were young. Entirely in Illustrator.


This image shows the progress/stages through creation of the third and final of the flyers that I designed for the annual Loveless Intensive. This one was never used/completed. Programs utilized include Photoshop and ZBrush.

Couple Kiss

A graphic I did for a wedding inviation and logo, based off a photograph of the couple ... Photoshop only.

Growing Arabesque

The second of the flyers that I did for an ongoing, annual dance workshop/class. Again, done completely in Illustrator.

Growth Me Better Stronger Now

The first of 2-3 flyers that I did for an ongoing, annual dance workshop/class. I know ... SO inspiring. I did this totally in Illustrator.

Steamboat House Illustration

This illustration was done in Illustrator, using a digital photograph as a base. The leaves, branches, etc. were done using custom brushes.

NE House Illustration

This illustration was done in Illustrator, using a digital photograph as a base. The leaves, branches, etc. were done using custom brushes.

Battlestar Galactica

I know, the title gives it away. It's quick mock-up, that hopefully looks familiar. What can I say ... the show was a guilty pleasure of mine for a while.
This image is entirely 2.5-D (no 3D elements), and was done in After Effects.

Battlestar 3D

A variation on the previous Battlestar Galactica image, involving true 3D rendered text and volumetric light. Made in Maya.

Clock Model

A small, unfinished piece of another work in progress. Autodesk Maya.

Cone Model

A construction cone I modeled, in Maya, as part of another project I've been playing with.

SoulPlay Ashtray

This image was based off an ashtray I aquired in Holland.
I'm fairly happy with the results, though the caustics could admittedly use some work. Autodesk Maya.

Alexis Logo

I played with textures, lighting and bump-maps (Z-Brush and Autodesk Maya) in order to make the Alexis Foods logo 3-dimensional.

Banana Wire

It's a banana ... it's a wire ... it's a banana and a wire at the same time. I still ain't figured that shit out. This piece was done almost completely in Illustrator, with photographic references.